Front Loading 401(k) Contributions

401(k) plans are a common retirement savings vehicle for people employed in the private sector in the United States. There are tax incentives for contributing to a 401(k) offered by the US government. The IRS has a great synopsis and more resources than you would ever want to dig through regarding the 401(k). A key…

Interaction Terms in Regression Analysis

Introduction and Example I have recently run into a feature engineering problem with regression analysis I have been doing at work. The issue is that not all independent variables that may be good predictors for a dependent variable are additive. Some might need to be multiplied together with some constant, or manipulated together before being…

Vehicle Carbon Dioxide Concentration Test

It occasionally makes sense to sleep in a car. Sometimes it makes sense on a rainy night at a trail-head. Sometimes it makes sense for weeks on a road trip. Sometimes it makes sense because you can’t handle a morning commute tomorrow, so you commute to your office at night and sleep in the parking…